In an ongoing saga that has captured the attention of the tech world, Epic Games has reignited its legal battle with tech giant Apple, challenging the latter’s App...
For those who fondly remember the era of the Nintendo DS, the handheld gaming console that redefined entertainment with its dual screens and portable design...
In a groundbreaking development for the video game sector, quality assurance (QA) testers at Activision have established what has become the largest union within the...
In the whirlwind world of technology, this week has brought to the forefront key issues that underline the ongoing transformation within the industry. From high-profile...
Fortnite players found themselves in a state of frustration on Friday as the game underwent extensive downtime due to a scheduled update. The update, labeled as v29.00...
The collaboration between LEGO and Fortnite initially sparked excitement among fans of both franchises. The idea of bringing the creative building elements of Fortnite...
The European Union (EU) has launched an investigation into Apple’s controversial decision to terminate Epic Games’ developer account, citing potential...
Attention all princess enthusiasts and platforming fanatics! Get ready to embark on a whimsical journey with the iconic Princess Peach in her brand new game...
The gaming industry has recently been rocked by news of Nintendo’s aggressive legal action against emulator developers. In a high-profile case, the gaming giant...
The Xbox Partner Showcase Preview in March 2024 was a thrilling event for gamers, packed with a plethora of exciting announcements, including new games, release dates...