Google Lens
image source: Google

Google Lens Makes Retracing Your Steps Much Easier

Have you ever used Google Lens to search for something using a photo, only to forget what you searched for later? Well, fret no more! Google Lens has introduced a new feature that saves your search history, simplifying the process of retracing your steps and finding past searches.

In the past, utilizing Google Lens to search for something via a photo meant that there was no way to revisit your search history. This limitation could be frustrating, particularly when needing to reference a past search.

However, with the latest update to Google Lens, your search history is now automatically preserved if you use the Lens feature within the Google app. This means that you can effortlessly access a record of your previous searches, even if they were conducted using a photo.

To access your Google Lens search history, simply navigate to Here, you’ll find a comprehensive list of all your Google activity, including your Lens searches. You can refine the results by date or by product, enabling you to locate the specific Lens search you’re seeking.

This enhancement to Google Lens represents a significant improvement, enhancing its user-friendliness and ensuring that you’ll never again lose track of your past searches.

So, the next time you find yourself wondering what you used Google Lens to search for earlier, simply visit and review your search history.

If you’re interested in more helpful tips and updates like this, be sure to stay tuned to our blog for the latest news and features!


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